Everything was normal. 31st May was already fixed. But perhaps fate had something else in its kilty. The brave dutiful son of Mother India Mangal Pandey sacrificed his life and ignited the flame of revolution.
Infact Indian soldiers serving in British army had lost faith towards East India Company. They were confident that Company Govt. desires to defile their religion.
Indian soldiers used to see every action of officers and Company Govt. with suspicion.
Pretending military reforms every now and then British officers propped their wish on Indian soldiers. And by the same excuse Indian soldiers were issued a new gun named Enfield. The cartridge for this gun, was enveloped in a paper which was to be cut by teeth. Then the sumour spread that to make this paper smooth, suet of cow and pig have been used.
Soldiers easily believed on it and they took it a trick to defile their religion by Company. Reluctant Hindu and Muslim soldiers declared that they wouldn’t use these cartridges.
19th battalion was camped at Bairakpur at that time. But soldiers denied to use these cartridges. That time British army was not there to take action against the indisciplined soldiers, ergo British officer had to keep quiet.
Many military reforms had been done earlier. One of them was that soldiers (whether Hindu or Muslim) to keep their beards in a special pattern. One another reform was that soldiers must wear leather hats instead of Indian turbans.
Govt. did not take any action against 19th Battalion, but he planned to disarmed it. A decision has been taken to call back army from Mayanmar to disarm them.
Among these soldiers one was Mangal Pandey. He did not accept this disgrace. He wanted to retaliate and on March 29, 1857 he came out of his barrack possessing sword in one hand and gun in the other and summoned Indian soldiers to fight against the British.
Major General Husan reached there as he got the information. He was very angry. Already he was irritated due to indiscipline of soldiers, now he became out of control. He ordered other soldders to arrest Mangal Pandey, but seeing the terrible situation none of the soldiers stepped forward to comply with his order.
Mangal Pandey aimed at Husan and pressed the trigger. Husan fell on the ground, fluttered and dead. There was commotion all around. This news reached the British camp faster than wind and in no time Bang and Hudson reached at the spot.
Mangal Pandey fired at Bang but the bullet hit his horse and Bang alongwith horse fell on the ground. In the meantime Hudson assaulted with sword and duel started.
All of sudden Shiekh Paltu, a soldier gripped the hand of Mangal Pandey.
Bang and Hudson escaped seeing an opportunity.
Hundreds of soldiers were watching this incident but none made effort to rescue British officers except Shiekh Paltu. Hence rest of the soldiers abused Paltu for this interference.
In this incident soldiers remained neutral. If they did not rescue British officers, they had even not stood by Mangal Pandey.
Mangal Pandey became hopless by the attitude of soldiers.
Then Genral Hearsy reached there with few soldiers. Mangal Pandey had already decided that he will not be caught alive by British. Consequently he attempted sucide but unfortanutely he failed in his effort and fell down on ground wounded. He was arrested.
Later on he underwent court martial and on 8th April he was hanged to death.
It was the first sacrifice on the path of revolution of 1857.
Sacrifice brought fruits
Sacrifice of Mangal Pandey was not futile. He kindled a fire in peoples hearts especially of Indian origin.
His name echoed in every where. Every soldier had understood it well that at any time for safegurding the religion may have to face horrible resultes. Each and every soldier was firm minded.