Beggar Yusuf

On Friday night, when all statues rose from their dead state, Hatim Tai asked the beggar, “Why was everyone dressed in the expensive robes, sitting on the thrones and having a feast, while you lament all the time? What is the meaning of the mysterious words that you keep saying?” The beggar replied, “My name is Yusuf; when we were alive I was their master, a rich and cruel merchant. I punished them for doing charity or good deeds. One day, while we were travelling, a gang of robbers attacked us. They took all our possessions, killed us and buried us in this cave. Death brought salvation to my men and because of their good deeds they were rewarded with good life after death; while I have done nothing which can benefit me this night and in vain I wait for my salvation.” Thus, Hatim found the answer to the second question of Harith’s daughter.

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