Bhakta Prahlada

“Om Brahmdevaya Namaha,
Om Brahmdevaya Namaha,
Om Brahmdevaya Namaha.”
That incantation was echoing in the still air of the desolate Mandar hill.
Every incantation rebounded from the rocks and stone surfaces of the immediate surroundings and was then re-echoed by the hillocks around creating a relentless hum seeking to invoke a divine power.
Every particle, air, water, ground and space of that area was getting infused with Brahma spirit and consciousness. The entire hill had become a solid state prayer to Lord Brahma.
The inner space of every creature, plant, tree and non-living objects too seemed to be echoing back that incantation spirit.
It was all the doing of a penance maker who was engaged in that exercise on Mandar hill to propitiate the creator Lord Brahma. In various difficult postures he was incanting for greater effect. Some times he would stand on the heels shifting all his body weight on them, raise his hands upwards and gaze into the space above invoking and incanting all the time.
Every cell of his body was invoking Brahma.
That faithful of Lord Brahma was resolute, firm and indomitable. Thundering clouds, torrential down-pour, blazing sun and raging storms could not deter him and break his spirit. He carried on his relentless penance making beamed into his lord divine.
Seasons came and went, scenes changed and the time kept piling up the garbage of history.
Everything around was changing except the penance making exercise of that Brahma devotee who continued with single-minded devotion.
During winters the snow fell all around turning trees into sky high kulfis and amidst them the penance maker would become a big snowman with a hole infront of his mouth to breathe out his incessant incantation of ‘Om Brahmdevaya Namaha’. The energetic chant and the breathing process would not allow the hole to freeze up shut.
The arrival of spring would melt out the snow and unveil the devotee. Then, sun rays would blaze down to roast his body alive. The penance exercise kept him cool from inside. The heat did little damage.
Similarly, during rainy season the clouds would pour down water making all the ground surroundings wet, slushy or water logged. But unmindful of the outer situations the devotee would continue with his chant like a croaking frog in the mudpool does.
Thus, the years went by and his exercise went on without any break or slow down. But now his devotion charged body began to radiate heat from inside.
The devotional heating up of body of this resolute devotee first heated up the immediate air around. Then, it intensified and began to manifest in the form of heat waves and flames. The heat spread forth in widening circle to engulf first the local world and then other worlds and domains, Entire creation was turning into a penance oven.
The rivers and lakes began to boil and the sea was becoming thick layer of cloud. All forms of life were in trouble. Even the celestial gods were feeling the heat. They ran to the domain of Lord Brahma and prayed to him to save the creation. Lord Brahma was very impressed with the intensity of the devotion of one of his faithfuls. He was pleased.
So, the creator left his divine chores and to honour the penance of his relentless devotee set out from his abode and materialised before his faithful.
“Demon Lord!” Brahma called out softly.
The penance maker was gone too deep into his devotional exercise where the sound failed to reach. His incantation continued with single minded concentration.
“Demon Lord, open your eyes,” Brahma said a bit in louder tone.
The faithful thought someone was trying to disrupt his spiritual exercise. He opened his eyes slowly to behold the culprit. His half open eyes appeared red cinders.
“Dear demon lord! I am not disturbing your penance but have come to you to tell you that your endeavour has succeeded and in fructification it has made me come to you to grant my blessings,” Brahma said in a deep timbre voice. “Open your eyes wide and well. The one to propitiate who you undertook this penance exercise stands before you. For long you had been incanting my name and invoking me for fulfilment of some desire.”
“Oh!” the devotee at once opened his eyes wide. “My divine lord Brahma!”
“Yes, faithful demon king Hiranyakashipu. We are pleased with your relentless devotion.”
“Lord! You have redeemed my penance graciously. I am grateful to you and can’t find proper words to express my gratitude,” with folded hands the demon king prayed. “Holy Father! Please accept my humble obeisance.”
The devotee was none else but the mighty king of demons, Hiranyakashipu.
Brahma is a benign divinity and kind to his faithfuls. He sees the heart of his devotee and makes no discrimination between demons or humans. He shows up for the benefit of his devotee whoever he/she may be without any reservation.
“May you live long,” Lord accepted the salutations of the demon lord and spoke, “Why did you have to make such a hard penance, my son? If you have any wish you may express it.”

“My Lord, to behold you was my greatest wish and that is fulfilled. Redeemed is my life.”
“Demon king,” Brahma gladly spoke, “I am very pleased to know about your thoughts. I wish to grant you a boon. You may ask anything.”
“Lord, I again beg to say that by letting me behold you, you have blessed me million times and it is the essence of countless boons. By asking for a boon I won’t tax your grace and kindness to me.”
“Your sentiment is proper and correct in its place.” Brahma spoke, “But son, a deity too has wishes to reward the devoted faithfuls. So, you must spell a wish to honour my desire.”
“Lord, by your grace I have everything, regal splendour and great riches. I don’t need any material reward, a boon I want that may always remind me of your benignity,” the demon king cleverly prepared the ground for his wish and added, “But as your divine self is so pleased with me and want me to ask for a boon for your own pleasure it becomes my sacred duty to obey your command.”
Lord Brahma benevolently looked at his faithful.
The faithful, Hiranyakashipu spoke, “To honour your divine pleasure I must ask something extra-ordinary. Lord, boon me that no creature of your creation shall kill me, my death may come neither inside my palace nor outside, neither during day nor at night, my body may not suffer from any weapon or energy charge and O Lord, my death may not happen on the earth or the sky.”
The elaborate wish of Hiranyakashipu got Brahma thinking. Silence prevailed for sometime.
“O Lord,” the demon king spoke in anxiety, “Why are you silent? I didn’t want anything. I spelled a wish only when you insisted. I thought an ordinary wish would be an insult to divinity of top order like you. Please pardon me if I have transgressed any limits.”
“Son, one who is born in this creation shall die. The death is inevitable,” Brahma reasoned with the demon king in serene tone, “Then why do you have such desire that is against the fundamental rules of the creation? Instead of indirect immortality you may ask for something very useful in the mundane world.”
“Lord, I’ve all the things already that the mundane world had to offer. I had been in these wild and desolate hills making penance giving up all those things. I am not interested in the mundane things,” Hiranyakashipu spoke anxiously, “Lord, you may grant me the boon I asked for if it is possible and I am not an undeserving one.”
“My son, Hiranyakashipu,” Brahma reasoned, “The boon you are asking for carries the inherent danger of some divine intervention to strike the balance. I am not certain in what form that retribution will come. It will depend upon the acts you’ll engage in after getting empowered by this boon. It may prove detrimental for you. Hence, I will ask you to rethink over the boon you are asking for. I don’t want any harm coming to my faithful.”
“Holy Father,” Hiranyakashipu responded insisting on the boon, “I’ve done the thinking. I beseech you to grant me the boon I asked for without worrying over my fate. Whatever it will be, will be,”
Brahma immersed into thoughts again.
The hesitation in granting boon by Brahma was making Hiranyakashipu lose his patience and nerve. He prayed, “Lord, if there is some problem in granting me the boon, I can withdraw my words. I do not want you to be in dilemma because of me. In the first place to behold you was all I wanted. I spelled out my wish only when you insisted. So, I must…”
Brahma raised his hand saying, “Demon king, my hesitation was only caused by my concern for your welfare and future. The boon can work as double edged weapon. Anyway if you are so keen on that boon, it is granted word by word as spelled out by you.”
In thanks the demon king bowed to the ground and when he raised his head he found Brahma already gone.
Left alone, the demon betrayed his true colours and guffawed, “Ha ha-ha! At last the boon makes me the invincible lord of the universe. No weapon can destroy me and no creature can kill me. I am immortal. All the creatures, humans and all celestials would be under my thumb. The entire creation will be in my pocket. I will be the new Lord of the universe. Ha, ha, ha!”

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