After the death of Dashrath, sage Vashishtha, Kaushalya and all the ministers asked Bharata to abide by the promise of his father and become the new king of Ayodhya. But Bharata denied. He suggested to go to the forest and meet Rama, Sita and Laxman. Everyone was impressed by this idea and started making preparations to go to the forest. Next morning, Bharata and Shatrughna along with sage Vashishtha, many other Brahmins and residents of Ayodhya and all queens started their journey towards Chitrakoot. They finally reached the ashram where Rama, Sita and Laxman were living in the forest. Everyone was happy to see them. Rama became sad on hearing the news of his father’s death. Kaikeyi was regretful for her misdeed. Everyone stayed in the forest for a few days. Then Rama told Bharata that they should follow the orders of their father. He asked everyone to return to Ayodhya. Bharata took Rama’s wooden sandals and everyone returned to Ayodhya. Bharata put Rama’s sandals on the throne and began to rule the kingdom. But now he lived in a small hut wearing simple clothes, just as his elder brother Rama lived in Chitrakoot.

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