Billy’s Wish

Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Billy. He lived with his parents and grandmother. His father worked in a shoe factory. However, one day, war broke out. Billy’s father had to go to fight in the battle. So, Billy’s mother started going to work to feed the family. Billy wanted to help his mother, but he was too small to learn any craft. He prayed every day, “O God, please bless me so that I can help my mother.” Every day Billy went wandering around the street corner with his friends to look for anything valuable like copper coins. However, one day, Billy found a silver coin. The next day, he found a gold ring. Every day, he found something valuable. He even shared these precious discoveries with his friends. Billy sold what he found and gave the money to his mother. Thus, Billy was able to help his mother run the house and thanked God every day.

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