Binny Finds a Mom

Binny was an orphan because his parents had been taken away by an eagle. Binny, the little squirrel, sat on the farm fence, looking lonely and lost. Maggy, the large speckled hen, was chasing her brood of chicks when she saw Binny. “What are you doing there?” she asked, “You’ll get eaten up by an eagle or the cat! Come along!” And Binny scurried to join the chicks. The chicks clustered round him, wondering at this strange-looking creature. He had no beak or feathers but he had a bushy tail! Their mother took him along to the chicken coop and soon Binny had a place for himself. Maggy saw he couldn’t scratch for food in the yard, so she showed him where he could find apples and acorns. “But you get back home before sunset!” she told him. At night he curled up under Maggy’s wing with all the chicks, warm and dreaming of acorns!

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