One day, a man entered Akbar’s court and said, “Your Majesty, I have a special skill. I can train animals to speak like human beings.” Akbar asked him, “Can you train my horse?” The man said, “Certainly, Your Majesty! But I need a lot of money. It will take ten years to train your horse.” Akbar agreed and said, “Take my horse and the money. But if you fail to train it, I shall punish you!” The man agreed. “Wait, Your Majesty!” Birbal intervened. “This man is asking for a huge sum so that he may live comfortably for the rest of his life. Nobody can guarantee whether the man, you or your horse will live for ten more years. This man is taking advantage of your kindness. Let him train your horse in the palace grounds!” The man said, “Excuse me, Your Majesty!” and he hurriedly walked out of the court.
Birbal Smells a Rat