You will need:
- Bowl
- Alcohol or fuel oil
- Baking soda
- Sugar (preferably
powdered sugar - Lighter
Even though the name sounds scary yet this experiment is quite a lot of fun. Black snakes or glow worms, as they are also called, are small tablets, which when ignited produce long black snakes of ash.
- Mix 4 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar with 1 teaspoonful of baking soda.
- Take a bowl and put the mixture of sugar and baking soda into it.
- Pour alcohol into the mixture.
- Place the bowl outside on the ground.
- Request an adult to take a long lighter and ignite the mixture in the bowl.
Initially, the mixture in the bowl is only a flame, with small blackened balls. But once the reaction gets going, the carbon dioxide that is created, puffs up carbonate which gives the illusion of a continuous black snake.