These diseases are related to our Excretory System. Menstrual and menopausal problems are solely related to women only.
Bladder Infection
Bladder Infection (cystitis) is medically termed cystitis. It is a condition in which the bladder is invaded by a microorganism infection include burning pain when urinating, frequent urges to that multiplies and produces inflammation.

The symptoms of this urinate excessive urination at night, dark or strong-smelling urine and lower abdominal pain.
Dietary Modifications
- Drink large amounts of fluids. At least sixteen ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice should be consumed per day. You can make it yourself with fresh cranberries, adding fish apples to sweeten it naturally. If cranberries are not available purchase cranberry juice container and add it to fresh apple juice. Since it is a concentrate one tablespoon is adequate for 32 ounces of apple juice. (If this mixture is too strong, lessen the amount of cranberry concentrate the next time and add more apple juice now.) There is a substance in cranberry juice that coats the bacteria so that it craft stick to your bladder and cause infection. In addition, cranberry juice acidifies urine inhibiting bacterial growth.
- Drink one-half cup of pomegranate juice mixed with one-half cup of water twice a day.
- Avoid all sweets in any form. Dilute all fruit juices with water, except for your home-made cranberry-apple juice. Avoid a refined carbohydrates, including white bread, regular pizza dough, and regular pasta.
- Include generous amounts of garlic and onions in your diet. These foods have antimicrobial activity that can help fight infection.
- Try goldenseal extract, an effective herbal antimicrobial agent.

Nutrients That Help
- Vitamin C has protective effects against infection and strengthens the immune system.
- Beta-carotene helps strengthen immunity and protects against infection.
- Bioflavonoids enhance the absorption of Vitamin C and have an antibacterial effect.
- Zinc promotes a healthy immune system.
Beneficial Juices
- Kale, parsley, green pepper and broccoli—sources of Vitamin C.
- Carrot, collard greens, parsley, and spinach—sources of beta-carotene.
- Cantaloupe, black currant, papaya and lemon—sources of bioflavonoids.
- Ginger root, parsley, garlic and carrot—sources of zinc.
- Cranberry contains ‘the cranberry factor’ which inhibits bacterial growth.
- Pomegranate—this juice is a remedy for cystitis.

Long, heavy periods are a problem for many women. Causing a loss of many important minerals. Fortunately, this disorder responds well to nutritional intervention. The dietary suggestions that follow can help to lessen menstrual bleeding and to alleviate menstrual pain.
General Recommendations
Have your physician check your thyroid function. Even a mildly underactive thyroid can cause menstrual difficulties.
Dietary Modifications
Eat a diet that’s low in animal fats. Animal fats contain a fatty acid that increases the release of series of prostaglandins, which may be the cause of heavy cramping and bleeding.
Nutrients That Help
- Iron deficiency can be caused by menstruation and, in addition, can be the cause of excessive menstrual bleeding and cramping.
- Vitamin C and bioflavonoids strengthen capillaries, reduce bleeding, and increase the absorption of iron.
- Vitamin K in a chlorophyll extract reduced bleeding in several studies.
- Magnesium has relieved uterine muscle spasms.
- Bromelain has anti- inflammatory properties and is a smooth-muscle relaxant.
Beneficial Juices
- Kale and parsley—sources of both iron and Vitamin C.
- Cherry, grape, lemon and tomato—sources of bioflavonoids.
- Turnip greens, broccoli and cabbage—sources of Vitamin K and chlorophyll.
- Collard greens, parsley and garlic—sources of magnesium.
- Pineapple—a source of bromelain.

Menopausal Problems
Menopause is the point at which women stop ovulating. Contrary to popular opinion, the female body does not stop producing hormones after menopause. For instance, the adrenal glands continue to produce androgens, the hormones responsible for the sex drive. However, levels of the estrogen estradiol drop to one-tenth their previous levels. It is the decrease of this type of estrogen that is thought to be responsible for the symptoms of menopause, with hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness being the most common problems. Diet can help minimize the symptoms of menopause. So, plug in your juicer and make your ‘change of life’ a change for the better.
General Recommendations
Your risk of developing heart disease and osteoporosis increases after menopause. For this reason, you may want to learn more about these disorders and take steps to reduce the risks. A water-soluble lubricant such as K-Y jelly will help to relieve vaginal dryness. Most important, get outside and walk. Exercise will help to prevent osteoporosis and heart disease.
Dietary Modifications
Increase your consumption of soya foods such as soya milk, tofu, and tempeh. Soya foods contain plant estrogens that supplement the estrogens made by the ovaries.
Reduce the amount of fat in your diet, This will help to decrease your risk of heart disease.
Nutrients That Help
Bioflavonoids help to reduce symptoms.
Vitamin E may reduce hot flashes. Sunflower seeds, almonds and wheat germ are excellent sources of this Vitamin.
Magnesium is involved in bone formation and is necessary to prevent osteoporosis.
Calcium is involved in bone formation and is necessary to prevent osteoporosis.
Beneficial Juices
Orange, tomato, cabbage and grapefruit—sources of bioflavonoids.
Spinach, asparagus and kiwi—sources of Vitamin E.

Collard greens. parsley, and blackbery—sources of magnesium
Kale, collard greens. and parsley—excellent sources of calcium.