Blimp, the Imp

Blimp was a peculiar imp. He loved to spend all his time jumping from tree to tree. He did nothing else all day. His parents were tired of cooking, cleaning and taking care of all his needs every day. One day, they decided to seek help from a wise old woman, Cronar. She told them to spray slippery liquid every night onto Blimp’s favourite trees. His parents sprayed the trees that very night. The next day, Blimp woke up and began his tree hopping. However, to his surprise, he was unable to do it as easily as before. He kept slipping and falling. He bumped his head. He hurt his legs. After trying a number of times, he gave up and went back home. This happened every day. Slowly, he lost interest in tree hopping. His parents encouraged him to do useful things around the house and the garden. Blimp allowed them to guide him and was happier for it.

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