Blowing Bubbles (Chemistry Experiments)

A fun-filled experiment that makes soap bubble solution and to blow soap bubbles.

Things Required:
Liquid dish soap
9-inch piece of 20-gauge wire, any thin bendable wire will work.

Fill the cup one-half full with the dish soap. Add enough water to fill the cup. Stir. Make a 1½-inch-diameter loop in one end of the wire. Dip the loop into the soap solution. Hold the loop, with the thin layer of soap stretched across it, about four inches from your mouth. Gently blow through the film of soap.

This Is What Happens:
The bubbles of soap should be produced. If the soap film breaks, try blowing more gently. Add 1 tablespoonful of soap to the solution if the bubbles continue to break. More soap should be added until bubbles are produced.

Science Behind It:
The soap and water molecules link together to form a ziz-zag pattern. This irregular pattern allows the thin layer of liquid to stretch outward when blown into.

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