Blue-faced Honey-eater

The Entomyzoncyanotis (scientific name) or blue-faced honey-eater is found from rainforests and eucalyptus forests to mangroves, wetter areas of semi-dry regions and even urban areas. They are native to North and East parts of Australia and Southern New Guinea. 9-13 inches in height, this bird has olive coloured plumage on the upperside and white feathers on the underside. It has a black head and throat which are divided by a white nape and cheeks. The eyes are surrounded by a blue patch giving it its name. Insects form a major part of their diet. However, they are also known to eat pollen, berries and nectar. An average clutch has 2-3 eggs, incubated for a period of 16-17 days. Its IUCN listing is the LEAST CONCERN.

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