Borrowing Money


Mulla Nasruddin and his donkey were travelling continuously for days. When they reached a town, they stopped at a tea shop. Mulla was very hungry and wanted to eat some snacks and drink tea. But he did not have enough money for that. He saw a stranger in the tea shop. The stranger was dressed in expensive clothes and shoes. Mulla went to him and struck up a conversation. At one point, he asked the stranger, “So how is your business going on?” “Great,” the stranger replied. “Then can I borrow a few Thankas from you?” asked Mulla. “No, I don’t know you well enough to lend you money,” said the stranger. “Well, that’s strange! Where I used to live in my old town, people didn’t lend me money because they knew me; and now that I have moved here, people won’t lend me money because they do not know me!” said Mulla, and he walked away. Hearing this, the stranger burst into laughter.

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