Botanical Terms

1.AnnualA plant that fully matures and produces seeds, and
dies within one year.
2.BiennialA plant which completes its life cycle and dies within
the second year.
3.BloomTo produce flowers
4.CladodeA shoot modified to assume the functions and usually
the appearance of a leaf; often identifiable by arising in
the axil of a modified leaf.
5.CorymbOne in which the flower stalks arise at different
levels on the main axis and reach about the same
height and in which the outer flowers open first.
6.DeciduousA plant sheds its foliage at the end of the growing
7.EvergreenEvergreens are trees and shrubs that do not lose
their leaves or needles at the end of their growing
season. The leaves or needles stay the same colour
throughout the year.
8.FoliageLeaf; the foliage leaves are probably the most
noticeable parts of a flowering plant.
9.HerbaceousIt is any non-woody plant, regardless of its flavour,
scent or other properties. A herb cannot be a woody
plant such as a tree or shrub.
10.(InflorescenceInflorescences are flower clusters.
11.LanceolateShape of a leaf; narrowly ovate and tapering to a
point at the apex.
12.LyratepinnatifidShape of a leaf; leaf divided transversely into several
lobes, the smallest at the base.
13.NativeIndigenous origin or growth.
14.OblanceoLateLanceolate with the narrow end at the base of the
15.OrnamentalDecorative plant.
16.PaniclesAn inflorescence where the axis is divided into
branches bearing several flowers.
17.PerennialPlants living for several years.
18.PlumeA decoration made of feathers or something similar.
19.PrairiesA large open grassland, especially in North America.
20.RhizomesThey are modified sub-terranean stem of a plant that
is usually found underground, often sending out roots
and shoots from its nodes. Rhizomes are also called
creeping rootstalks and rootstocks.
21.SucculentPlants having thick fleshy leaves or stems adapted
to storing water.
22.SuckerWhen a root sends up a new stem away from the main
stem, it is called a sucker. Suckers are also any new
vertical growth that arises from the base of a trunk.
23.TrifoliateA compound leaf having three leaflets.
24.TropicalWarm, hot, moist climate.
25.WhorlA whorl is a circle of the part of a flower that is
present at a single level along the axis of a flower.

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