A cheetah and a fox lived in a forest. They were close friends. They would always hunt together and roam around the forest together. One day, they were walking along the banks of a river, when the cheetah caught his reflection in the water. “I have a beautiful coat. Look at my spots. I look handsome,” he said. “You may be handsome, but I am no less. Look at my bushy tail,” said the fox. The cheetah said, “I am more handsome than you. See how my velvety coat shines in the sun.” They continued talking in this manner until it turned into an argument. The cheetah went on saying that he looked more handsome because of his spots. At last, the fox gave up. He said, “Yes, you are more handsome than me. But I am smarter than you. A smart mind is more important than a handsome body.”