Bread Mould (Biology Experiments)

In this experiment, we will try to grow a type of fungus called bread mould.
Things Required:
Zip lock bag
Bread slice

Place the bread in the plastic bag. Put 10 drops of water inside the bag. Close the bag.
Keep the bag in a dark, warm place for 3 to 5 days. Observe the bread through the plastic.
Discard the bag and its contents after your observation.
This Is What Happens:
A black, hairy looking structure is growing on the bread.
Science Behind It:
Mould is a form of fungus. It can grow and reproduce very quickly. Mould produces very tiny cells with hard coverings called spores. Spores are smaller than dust particles and float through the air. The slice of bread already has spores on it when placed in the plastic bag. The water, warmth and darkness provide a good environment for the mould to grow.
Moulds have good and bad uses. Some forms of mold make foods taste and smell bad, but there are foods that depend on mold for their good taste. Many cheeses are moldy and taste good. The greenish mold that forms on bread and oranges is used to make a medicine called penicillin.

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