Breezy Beaches (61 Near Nature Experiments)

You will need:

  1. 2 large pans
  2. Lots of ice cubes
  3. Sand
  4. Candle
  5. Room
  6. Oven
  7. Mittens

Every time you go to a beach, there would have always been a cool breeze blowing. With this project figure out why beaches are always so breezy.


  1. You will need a room with no breeze.
    Shut all the doors, windows and fan.
  2. Fill one pan full of sand and heat it in the oven for 5-8 minutes.
  3. While the pan is heating, light a candle and blow it out. Watch where the smoke blows. If there is no breeze it should blow upwards.
  4. Fill the second pan with ice cubes.
  5. Get the sand-filled pan out of the oven. Be careful to hold it with mittens, so as not to burn your hands.
  6. Place the two pans right next to each other. Wait for a minute.
  7. Light the candle once again. Holding it between the 2 pans, blow it out. Where does the smoke go this time?


The pan filled with ice creates a high-pressure zone above it while the pan filled with hot sand creates a low-pressure zone above it. As a result, the air begins to move from the high-pressure zone (ice pan) towards the low-pressure zone (hot sand) so as to even the pressure. This creates wind. And this is also the
reason why beaches almost always have a breeze blowing in from the sea.

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