Bubble Machine (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l Large bowl
l Water
l 4 to 5 tablespoons dishwashing liquid
l Scissors
l Paper cup

Here’s something fun to do outside on a lazy summer day.

  1. Fill a bowl with about one and quarter liter of water, then add 4 or 5 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. Stir the water slowly, but do not beat it. You do not want it to become sudsy.
  2. Cut a ½-inch hole in the bottom of a paper cup. Now, dip the rim of the cup (the edge from which you normally drink) into the soapy water. Lift it slowly and blow through the small hole. A giant bubble will float into the air. Try to fill the air with several bubbles.

This Is What Happens:
The soap helps the water cling across the rim of the cup and when you blow, it acts like a thin skin around the bubble of air – the bubbles you are making are really puffs of air surrounded by water!

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