Bugle of revolution

Ultimately even in Kanpur bugle of revolution was sounded on by June 4, 1857. First of all cavalry shouted the slogan of revolation. According to preplan three false fire were shot and a British officer bunglow was set on fire.
After that other battalions also got down and invited them to participate in the revolution. At the same time one army officer Ewart reached there and he appealed to the soldiers to calm down but none heared him. Revolutionaries setting British officers bunglows on fire proceeded towards Nawabganj.
Nawabganj Nana Sahib was camping. Soldiers requested him to be their leader which he accepted.

By this way revolution commenced in Kanpur but no British officer was killed by the soldiers.
Then soldiers shouted the slogan ‘Delhi Chalo’. Nana Sahib was with them, but Tantya was of the view that to leave Kanpur was not convenient. The geographical situation of Kanpur is supreb. Kolkata-Delhi highway through passed it. Bridge over Ganges at Kanpur to Avadh road is available. Tantya made him alert that it is also not safe that all the revolutionaries at one place. To accumulate army of entire country in Delhi and to leave the complete region without obstruction for British is not proper. British may restrain by surrounding Delhi from all directions. Ergo he suggested Nana Sahib that he should seriously think over it and bring the soldiers back and keep Kanpur the centre of all the activities.
On Tantya’s suggestion Nana called the soldiers back. After that he cantioned army officer General Wheeler of Kanpur by writing a letter that revolutionaries are going to to attack at your fort any time.
General Wheeler was a wise, clever and experienced person. He started in advance security arrangaments so that British may remain safe and sound. He got prepared high walls of an old building of a hospital and filled in ration for a month. Ammunition and one lac rupees were and plenty of gun powder also arranged.
Military organisation in Kanpur
There was disorder in entire city. Some mutinous soldiers alongwith rogues started looking houses. City dwellers felt themselves unsafe. Nana Sahib too worried by this situation. On June 7, 1857 an appeal on behalf of Nana Sahib Hindu and Muslim were requested to maintain peace. Later on Nana Sahib called for a meeting and persisted them that they should participate for safety of religion.
Responsibility of military organisation was entrusted to Tantya Tope. Tika Singh was appointed general. Dulganjan Singh and Ganga Deen were designated as colonel.
The efficiency shown by Tantya Tope in military organisation was really admirable. By his intelligence he obtained assistence of landlords, Chandel Rajputs and Thakurs of his sourroundings.
Tantya organised a large army by combining their armies and mutinous army.
Hindu and Muslims were designated equally to avoid discontentment.
Tantya divided his own military in three parts and competent officers were appointed on each division.
Jawala Parsad designated Brigadier and appointed chief of the army staff.
At this time there was no scarcity of wealth-strength.
First invasion on wheeler’s fort
General Wheeler was boundless. Reason of his anxiety was that letter of Nana Sahib. In reality Wheelers view was that mutinous army will march towards Delhi after treasury robbery. Same happened in the beginning but when mutihous soldiers were called back by Nana then Wheeler’s perplexity increased up to the extent that he started imaginning dreadful sight of the end.
He started to prepare his military. Around his fort cannons were fixed. Guards were deputed.
At this time there were one thousand ladies, gents and children in that building. Along with them some Indian soldier were there who had full confidence in loyalty of British and according to them revolution was a sedition.
On June 6, 1857 patriot army surrounded that haltage of the British which they had comprehended unconquerable. Cannons were put in order. At 10 a.m. invasion commenced.
Guns blustered, cannons showered bombs. British faced that attack bravely.
War countinuned till twenty days, but revolutionaries couldn’t step forward. Tantya was not in favour that even a single soldiers be killed.
Figures of wounded and sick were on increase in the Wheeler’s fort. Now Wheeler understood that it is impossible to defeat revolutionaries. If immediately a compromise takes place then wounded would be survived and sick would be cured. Otherwise rest of the people will die of hunger or illness because ration reserved in the fort had finished.
Wheeler hoisted the white flag for ceasefire.
Nana Sahib ordered to stop war and sent a letter to Wheeler, in which it was clearly written that surrenderors will be escorted to Paryag. After that conditions of truce settled between members of both armies. There was no alternative with British except to accept this proposal. Secondly Nana Sahib opinion was that British should depart in the darkness of night by boats.
But British did not accepted this suggestion.
They inclined for their departure in the morning.
It was hard luck of the British not to accept the suggestion of night departure. Nana Sahib was not unaware with wish of the subjects. He know it well there is displeasure in public hearts. They want revenge, they can put But British did not follow this hint of Nana Sahib. News spread all around that British are to set out in the morning for Paryag.

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