No two pieces of matter can occupy the same space at the same time. This is shown here.
Things Required:
Glass quart jar (large-mouthed with a lid)
Small jacks ball or walnut
Fill the quart jar one-quarter full with uncooked rice. Put the ball or walnut inside the jar and close the lid. Hold the jar upright; then turn it over.
Note: Add more rice if the ball cannot be covered by the rice.
Shake the jar back and forth vigorously until the ball surfaces. DO NOT SHAKE UP AND DOWN.
This Is What Happens:
The ball or walnut comes to the surface.
Science Behind It:
There are spaces between the grains of rice. As the jar is shaken, the rice gets closer together. This is referred to as settling. As the rice moves together, it pushes the ball upward. Two pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time; thus the ball is moved by the packing together of the rice grains.