Business enquiries & replies

Business enquiry letters are very important part of business correspondence. Because a businessman discover new sources—as price and terms of goods, quality of product, enquiry for manufactures etc. The letters of enquiry should be result oriented. These kind of letters should be simple, concise and very clear. And all above these letters can save precious time and money. These enquiries can be turned into sales if treated skilfully.
By this we can say every letter of enquiry means a new prospective buyer and bigger source of business.
enquiry letters
1. Letter of enquiry from a dealer to manufacturer:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for the literature sent to us about your readymade garments. As we are planning to place a huge order, please let us know what is the maximum quantity of garments you can supply us by the end of this month. We are the largest dealers in readymade garments in this area, and wish to expand our range. Do you give discount on bulk orders? An early reply from your end will be highly appreciated.
With regards,
Yours truly
Lala Ram
2. Letter of a dealer to manufacturer asking for sample, discount etc.
Dear Sir,
We have came across to an advertisement of your handy household appliances in various newspapers, handbills, magazines etc. Could you please provide us with details and send us samples at the earliest? We are the only large dealers of household appliances in Sagar (M.P.) and would like to stock the latest products of this type. Please let us know your terms of payment as well as trade discount offered if any. Can you supply the material at our address? If so, let us know the transportation charges. If the goods are to our satisfaction, we hope to have a permanent business relationship.
With regards,
Yours truly
Pankaj Kumar
3. Letter of enquiry about advertised goods :
Dear Sir,
We have seen the advertisement of your pure silk sarees and dress materials in the newspaper. The advertisement, however, was too brief to give complete information on the product. We deals in dress materials of all types. And we hope this is the beginning of a lasting business relationship. Sample would be particularly welcome. An early reply from your end will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Miss Neha Jain
4. Letter of enquiry about raw material :
Dear Sirs,
We are leading manufacturers of steel utensils. Since we plan to go in for import substitution, can you meet our heavy demand of steel sheets? If you can meet our requirements, please let us have your terms and conditions regarding prices, discount, delivery schedule etc. at the earliest.
Thanking You
Yours truly
Nirmal Pandey
5. Letter of enquiry about catalogue :
Dear Sir,
We have a large shoe retail shop and are interested in the latest variety, advertised by you on cable television. So, please send me a copy of your latest catalogue and any other information that may help me make the best choice.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
6. Letter of enquiry about price list :
Dear Sirs,
We are small-scale manufacturers of machinery products and are interested in buying ball-bearings of standard size. We shall feel obliged if you could send us samples and price lists of your range of products at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Madan Lal
7. Letter of enquiry about quotations :
Dear Sir,
We undertake contracts for door-to-door sale of consumer products. Your range will add to our variety. However, at present, we propose to place a trial order with you. Please send us your quotations for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed enquiry form giving your prices at Mumbai. An immediate reply would be highly appreciated.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Babu Rao
8. Letter requesting for a sales representative :
Dear Sir,
We wish to have three air conditioners installed at our office premises and would appreciate if you send one of your representatives to discuss the details in person.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Harish Dutt Sharma
9. Letter about concerning order :
Dear Sir,
Recently we received a package from you, containing a used Titan Watch-ladies style. A careful search of our files has been made, but we are unable to find any instruction from you. However, since our records show that this watch was in perfect condition when we sold it to you and is now apparently in need of repair, we assume that it was returned to us for this purpose. Therefore, we are proceeding with the repair and will return the watch to you at the earliest possible date. We hope that we have not misunderstood your wish in this regard.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Kamal Kant

10. Letter of enquiry about new range of religious book :
Dear Sir,
We are interested in bulk purchase of religious books such as—Satya Narayan Katha, Arti Sangrah etc. If you meet our requirements, please let us have your terms and conditions regarding prices, maximum discount, delivery schedule etc. We hope that your terms and conditions are reasonable and that we have a lasting relationship.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Manohar Lal Agarwal

11. Letter of enquiry for a new product :
Dear Sirs,
We are interested in the television sets that your are recently launched in the market. We deal in various kind of electronic items. So please send us a copy of your catalogue and we hope this is the beginnings of a lasting business relationship.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Bhullan Shah

12. Letter of enquiry about goods for an office : Dear Sir, We have establish a new office in your town. So please inform us immediately if you can supply the following items for our office. The items to be supplied are as:

Bajaj Table Fan 5 Nos.

Bajaj Ceiling Fan 6 Nos.

Big table with glass 1 Nos.

Surya Tube light 2 Dozen

Wooden Chair with cushion 1 Dozen

Revolving Chair 2 Nos.
If you can meet our requirements, please let us have your terms and conditions regarding prices, delivery schedule etc. at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Raaj Sharma
letters of reply for enquiry

1. Letter of reply from manufacturer to dealer :
Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to see your interest in the latest range of readymade garments, introduced by us in the market recently. We believe in quality and honest bargains, so we can assure you of our best service and a fair deal.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Ravi Tondon

2. Letter of reply for an enquiry of advertised goods:
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to know that our advertisement has served the purpose, and we feel obliged that you are interested in our products. As the advertisement does not carry all the details, we enclose a printed catalogue enlisting our new range of products and their respective prices. We hope that the rates appeal to you and prompt you to place an early order with us.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Ram Kumar

3. Letter of reply about enquiry for raw material supply :
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your enquiry of May 9th for the purchase of steels sheets. We have a large stock of the same and can deliver as and when required.
With regards,
Yours truly
Munna Lal Verma

4. Letter of reply about request for catalogue:
Dear Sirs,
We are obliged for your enquiry letter of 30th August, regarding the catalogue of our new range of readymade garments. As desired, we enclose a copy of our usual terms and conditions. From the catalogue, you will find that our garments possesses a number of special features which place it ahead of its competitors. We now ask you to consider carefully this offer of a unique material at a generous discount of 20 per cent with 30 days credit. We hope you will take advantage of our current offer and place an early order with us.
With regards,
Yours faithfully
Nirmal Jain

5. Reply for asking price list :
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your telephonic enquiry on 2nd October 2004, pertaining to the various skin-care products we make. I take pleasure in enclosing the current price-list of our products as per your enquiry. I have enclose a copy of our latest catalogue. The catalogue has been devised keeping in view all the relevant information the buyer might require. We shell be glad to have your order at an early date.
With regards
Yours faithfully
Miss Poonam Tiwari

6. Reply for asking samples:
Dear Sir,
We are obliged for your enquiry letter of 15th November 2004, regarding the sample of different items of our product. We will arrange to send a samples of our product soon. As our samples will prove, this product is the result of a long and careful research and we are confident that it will fulfil a long-felt need. We hope the samples will reach you within a week or so, and expect an order in a fortnight’s time.
With regards,
Yours faithfully
Varun Batra

7. Reply for asking quotation:
Dear Sir,
In response to your enquiry of July 3rd 2004, regarding quotation for 150 water storage tanks. Please rate the price as we enclosed with this letter. As our stocks of these water tanks are limited, we strongly recommend you to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Pramod Kumar

8. Letter for rejecting quotation:
Dear Sir,
I am thankful to you for promptly quoting for the 150 water storage tanks I had proposed to buy from you. Although your price are quite competitive, the quality does not meet our specifications. If at the same price, you are able to supply us better quality tanks, we shall renew our offer.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Gaurav Singh

9. Letter requesting for a representative:
Dear Sir,
We wish to have eight water purifiers installed at our above mentioned premises, and would appreciate, if you could send one of your representatives to discuss the details in person.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Ganga Rao

10. Reply to the above letter:
Dear Sir,
Thanking you for your letter dated 7th December. We have advised our Sales Manager, Mr. Kali Charan, to call on you on the 1st of January at around 2.30 p.m. We hope you will find this in order. However, in case you wish to make any change in the timing, please inform us one the telephone.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Suraj Prasad Verma

11. Letter of enquiry about goods on sale:
Dear Sir,
We deal in readymade garments of all types. Would you please let us know if you supply your readymade garments on sale or return basis? Please let us know at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Miss Nirmal Verma

12. Positive reply for above letter:
Dear Miss Nirmala Verma,
In reply to your enquiry letter dated 4th July, we are pleased to inform you that we do supply our garments on sale or return basis. We are enclosing a list of our readymade garments, and shall be glad to hear from you at earliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Badam Singh

. Negative reply:
13. Dear Miss Nirmala Verma,
Thank you for your letter dated 4th July. In reply. We wish to inform you that as a matter of business policy, we do not supply any readymade garments on sale or return basic. On the other hand, we would suggest that you may reduce you order to avoid the risk of any unsold stocks.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Badam Singh

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