Buttered Side Down! (Super Science Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Buttered toast
  2. Newspaper
  3. Table

How many times have you accidentally dropped toast onto the floor and how many times has it landed with the buttered side down! But try
this experiment to figure out how or why.


  1. Place an open newspaper below the table in the general area your toast will fall.
  2. Place the toast at the edge of the table and push it off in the same manner you would accidently knock it off.
  3. Repeat this a few times, and note down how many times your toast land with the buttered side down.


If you push the toast of the table at the same speed at which it would accidently fall, chances are that it will land every time with the buttered side facing down. This can be explained by the speed at which the toast falls as also by the height at which it falls from. You could drop it from a greater height, and it will flip yet again to fall buttered side up on the floor. But generally in everyday life, that is not the case. The height from which the toast usually falls is approximately enough for it to flip once and fall on the buttered side.

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