Caliph Al-Maamun and the Pyramids of Egypt

Once Haroon Al-Rashid’s son, Caliph Al-Maamun, thought of bringing down the Pyramids of God-guarded city of Cairo.

He spent large sums of money in trying to bring down the Pyramids but in vain, but out of which he could only open a small tunnel wherein he found enough treasure that could be spent on trying to destroy the Pyramids.

He was surprised at the developments and decided not to destroy the Pyramids and hence the Pyramids which are one of the eight wonders of the world still stand majestically marvelling the makings of man.

There are three Pyramids and all made of huge blocks of rock using iron rods, lead, all set in geometrical order. In the Western Pyramid, it is said there are thirty chambers filled with precious stones and gold.

In the second Pyramid are the records of the priests and on the walls are the human figures like idols. Thousands of tourists come to visit this monument and gaze at the beauty and timeless creation.

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