Can Salt Harm Us?

We add salt in our daily food to make it tasty; a few people even use to intake it more in addition to taking salty food too. Salt is actually sodium chloride which helps prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast, moulds, etc in food. It also helps reduce the perception of dryness in foods like crackers, etc. One side, it helps in this way but on the other side, if it will be taken in amount more than medically recommended, it can cause diseases like high blood pressure, heart stroke, etc.

As per the guidelines of 2010 dietary for Americans, sodium should be taken in less than 2,300 mg a day but if you are at the age of 51 or more, take it in only 1,500 mg amount. Dark-complexioned people or people having disease of heart attack or diabetes, kidney disease, etc. should also avoid excess intake of salt in their food.

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