101 Unseen Passage

The Tailor

A tailor stitches clothes.He first takes the measurement of a person’s body.He notes down the measurement.He marks the cloth according to the measurement and cuts it.He uses his scissors to cut cloth.His scissors are very sharp.They are made of steel or iron.He uses a machine to stitch the pieces together.It is called a sewing machine.A

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The Elephant

An elephant is a very big animal.It is the largest land animal.Elephants are found in Asia and Africa.The African elephants are bigger than the Asian ones.The African elephants cannot be tamed.They live in African jungles.The Asian elephants can be tamed.Some are kept in temples and zoos.Elephants are also used to carry load.Elephants are sometimes used

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The Hospital

A hospital is a place where sick and injured people are given treatment.Doctors and nurses look after patients.The sick and the injured are called patients.A hospital has a number of beds.Patients are laid on beds.Men, women and children are kept in seperate rooms, called wards.A hospital has different departments.Each department looks after one type of

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A train is a means of transport.It is a set of railway carriages or compartments.The compartments are pulled by an engine.A train moves on rails.Trains run on diesel or by electricity.A train carries goods and people from one place to another. We go to the railway station to catch a train.The train comes at the

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Electricity is a wonderful discovery of science.It is very useful.We cannot live without electricity.It lights our houses and streets.It runs our fans, air conditioners and television-sets.Refrigerators, mixers, heaters, geysers, coolers, etc. also run on it.It also runs factories and mills.It runs trains in our cities and towns.But we should be very careful about it.It is

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My City

I live in Delhi. It is very big city. Its population is more than ten million. It is the capital city of India. It is an ancient city. It is comprised of Old Delhi and New Delhi. It has many places worth visiting.The most famous are the Parliament House, the Rashtrapati Bhawan, the Secretariat, the

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