101 Unseen Passage

The Farmer

A farmer is a person who grows crops.Farmers are hard-working people.Farmers grow different types of crops and sell them in the market.They also grow fruits and vegetables on their farms.A typical farmer’s day begins early in the morning.Come rain or sunshine, he works very hard on his farm all the day.Most farmers do not have […]

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The Sun

The Sun is the ultimate source of energy.The Sun is a big star.It is millions of kilometres away from the Earth.It is billions of years old.It gives us heat and light.It is made of hot gases.Planets move around the Sun.The Earth is one of them.No life on Earth is possible without the Sun.If there were

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Wonders of Science

Science has changed our life. Science is very useful to us. Science has helped us invent many useful things.All the electric and electronic machines, like fans, lights, desert coolers, air-conditioners, television, mixers, refrigerators, room- heaters and geysers, are the inventions of science.Science has helped us invent many medicines.These medicines cure our diseases.Trains, cars, buses, aeroplanes,

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Bubbly was a brown grizzly bear.He loved honey.One day, Bubbly saw honeycombs on an oak tree and his mouth watered.The big, bad wolf always warned Bubbly in a scary tone, “Bees sting.”Bubbly sat under the tree and thought for a while.Banta, the monkey, jumped down, “Hey Bubbly, are you in deep thoughts?”Bubbly was sad and

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The Tiger

The tiger is a wild animal.It belongs to the cat family.It is our national animal.It lives in a forest.We can also see tigers in zoos.The tiger has a furcoat of golden colour.There are long, black stripes on its furcoat.It has two bright eyes.It has very sharp teeth.It hunts animals, like deer, buffaloes and zebras, for

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