121 Science Experiments
121 Science Experiments – is a storehouse of various science projects and experiments for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.🧪
Hot Air (Science Expirements)
Materials Required:l A cold winter dayl Door to your housel 10 Rupee currency note Instruction:You have probable heard a good deal about conserving energy. Here is a simple test you can perform to see if you and your family are energy savers! On a cold winter day, stand inside your house and face an outside
The Big Bang (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Round balloonl Scissorsl Newspaperl Matchesl Glass jar with a narrow mouthThe help of one of your parents Procedure: Cut off the top half of a round balloon and discard it. You will be left with a solid piece of rubber. Fold a piece of newspaper to approximately 3 by 5 inches. Ask one
Balloon Power
Materials Required:l 2 tea cupsl Round balloon Procedure: Place two tea cups–ask your parents which ones you can use–on a table, about 5 inches apart. Place the deflated balloon between the two cups and blow air into it until the sides of the balloon are touching the sides of the tea cups. Then knot the
Upside-Down “U” (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l 2 jarsl Waterl Box, 1 foot highl Flexible (rubber or plastic) tubing Procedure: Fill one jar completely with water and set it on top of the box. Place the empty jar on the ground beneath the full jar. Cut a piece of rubber or plastic tubing long enough to reach between the two
Rock And Roll Ice Cube (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Bowll Waterl Ice cube Procedure: Fill a bowl with warm tap water and set the bowl on a firm surface, such as a counter top. Gently place an ice cube in the water and let it come to rest. Do not touch the experiment now; just watch it closely. The ice cube will
Sink Or Swim (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Newspaperl Scissorsl 2 drinking glassesl Waterl Dishwashing liquidl Spoon Procedure: Cut two paper dolls from newspaper. The size of the figures should be small enough to fit easily into the glasses. Now fill two drinking glasses with tap water. Place several drops of dishwashing liquid into one of the glasses and stir with
Force Of Push (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Paill Waterl Lightweight plastic box (like the kind that berries are sold in) with holes in the bottom Procedure: Fill a pail, or any deep container, with water. Make sure the berry box is dry, then gently set it on top of the water surface. Even though the box has large holes in
Let’s Stick Together(Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Large can, such as a coffee or juice canl Hammerl Naill WaterThe help of one of your parents Procedure: Ask one of your parents to punch 5 holes into a large can, using a hammer and nail. The holes should be placed on the side of the can, near the bottom, and spaced
Bubble Machine (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Large bowll Waterl 4 to 5 tablespoons dishwashing liquidl Scissorsl Paper cup Procedure:Here’s something fun to do outside on a lazy summer day. Fill a bowl with about one and quarter liter of water, then add 4 or 5 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. Stir the water slowly, but do not beat it. You
Taste Test (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Saucepanl Tap waterl GlassThe help of one of your parents Procedure: Fill a saucepan with tap water. Ask one of your parents to boil the water gently for a few minutes. Then leave the pan undisturbed with its cover on until the water is cool. Now pour some of the water into a
Stormy Seas Ahead (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Tall jarl Waterl Blue food colouringl Cooking oilProcedure: Save one of the tall jars that olives or cucumber pickle come in. Fill it halfway with water, then add a drop of blue food colouring. Fill the rest of the jar, right up to the top, with cooking oil, being sure not to leave
Water-proof Matches (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Clear nail polishl Wooden matchesl Styrofoam egg cartonThe help of one of your parents Procedure:If you’ve ever been on a rainy camping trip and found yourself with soggy matches, here’s a good way to water-proof them. Buy some clear nail polish. With the applicator brush that comes in the bottle, paint the striking
Rings Of Smoke (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l A cold winter dayl Door to your housel 10 Rupee currency note Procedure:You have probably heard a good deal about conserving energy. Here is a simple test you can perform to see if you and your family are energy savers! On a cold winter day, stand inside your house and face an outside
Gliding Paper (Science Experiments)
Materials Required:l Sheet of typing paper Procedure: Hold an 8½ – by 11-inch sheet of typing paper high above your head. Use both hands to grasp the paper. Let go. The paper will scoot in various directions and probably turn over. Now make two folds in the long side of the paper, first, 1 inch