151 Amazing Questions and their Answers

151 Amazing Questions-Answers151 Amazing Questions-Answers collection kindles curiosity kin kids from very early age. Read with your kids and have great time finding answers together!

Why is Our Galaxy Called as ‘the Milky Way’?

Galaxy is a group of stars, large dark matter and dust bounded together by the gravity. The Milky Way is a bar-shaped spiral galaxy whose diameter is 100,000-120,000 light years. It contains 200-400 billion stars. It appears like a band of light from the earth at night time. There are three major components of Milky

Why is Our Galaxy Called as ‘the Milky Way’? Read More »

From where do Butterflies Get their Striking Colours?

Butterflies possess some of the most striking colour displays found in Nature. A butterfly’s rich colour can act as camouflage, mate attraction and warning signal. But what is it that makes the vivid colours of butterfly wings appear to dance? How can they possess such intense hues? Butterflies actually get their colours from two different

From where do Butterflies Get their Striking Colours? Read More »

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