151 Jungle Tales

jungle tales for kids

A collection of 151 best jungle tales for kids to have great time while also learning to read and listen. Read now with your little ones, now!😍

The Flying Frog

During the rainy season, the savanna is covered with green grass. Faraji, the frog, croaked and leapt from rock to rock. Just then, the ground began to shake. ‘What could it be?’ Faraji wondered. Jelani, an elephant, stepped into the rushing waters and plopped down on his bottom. The impact blew Faraji away. “What was

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Two Frogs

It was a nice rainy season. A group of frogs was playing together. Suddenly, two of them fell into a deep pit. The other frogs saw that the pit was too deep, so they started encouraging those two frogs to give up instead of trying to jump up. But, both of them ignored the comments

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