221 Facts About Earth

221 Facts About Earth221 Facts About Earth tells children about Earth’s beautiful resources, lives, waterfalls, Hills and many interesting and exciting facts.🌎📚

Soil, Soil Profile, Humus and Formation of Soil

Soil: The uppermost thin layer covering the Earth’s surface is called soil. Soil is composed of rock particles, mineral fragments, remains of the dead, living things, water and air. The soil has five layers: humus, topsoil, subsoil, rock fragments and bedrock. There are four basic types of soil: sand, loamy, silt and clayey. Soil Profile: […]

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Dinosaurs: Around the World and Their Types

Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs mean ‘terrible lizards’. They were one of the most successful species ever to survive on the Earth. They were the well-known reptiles of the Mesozoic era. They ranged from being herbivores, carnivores to omnivores. They were different from early reptiles due to the following features: (1) Dinosaurs had their legs under their bodies.

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Ice Age

About 2.6 million years ago, a unit of time named the quaternary period (the current and most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic era) began. This period has been characterised by a long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth’s surface or time of glaciation or ice age. During that period, the Earth

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Fossil Animals: Vertebrates

Vertebrates, the animals with backbones, first appeared on the Earth during the Palaeozoic period. Agnathids were the oldest vertebrates which resembled fish. Rocks from late Palaeozoic period revealed 75 different species of amphibians. Most of the fossils resembled today’s salamanders. Body, cast and trace fossils of dinosaurs have been found during exploration. Fossils of the

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Fossil Animals: Invertebrates

Invertebrates, the animals without backbones, first appeared on the Earth during the Cambrian period. The most common early animals were arthropods, the trilobites. They were soft-bodies animals living mostly in the sea. Another important fossils of invertebrates found during the Paleozoic time were molluscs, echinoderms, crinoids (sea lilies: cup-shaped body), starfish and corals. Fossils of

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Diamond is the hardest and purest natural substance known to man till date. Diamonds are made up of carbon. They were formed millions of years ago under the surface of the Earth (more than about 120 km below). Carbon present in the rocks inside the Earth underwent crushing pressure and intense heat. This extreme condition

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Gems are the most valuable, durable, beautiful, and rare crystals. There are about 80 known gems. They are divided into two categories: precious and semi-precious. Precious gems include: diamond, ruby, emerald and sapphire. Semi-precious gems include: opal, amethyst and topaz. Most of the gems are made up of combination of a substance called silicate. Diamond

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Precious Minerals

Gold, silver and platinum are precious metals. These metals have low density, higher conductivity, are non-magnetic in nature. They hold a high economic value. Gold is a soft and yellow-coloured metal. It is found in its natural form called ‘nuggets’. Silver, a white-coloured soft metal, occurs in combination with sulphur, copper, lead or arsenic. Platinum

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