
13. Plant Tissues

Tissue : The group of cells with more or less similar structure and performing a definite function, is called a tissue.Organs : In most of the complex living beings group of tissues are combined to form organs. Stomach of vertebrate animals is an example of an organ. An organ, therefore, consists of a group of

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10. Animal Kingdom

Multicellular organisms are called animals. They may be acellular also. Multicellular animals are heterotrophs. About ten million species of living animals are known. These species are different from each other in shape, size, structure and ways of living. All animals except porifers are motile and are provided with sensory or nervous sytem.Body Organisation of AnimalsBody

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9. Plant Kingdom

Main divisions of Plant kingdom are:1. Algae :(i) Chlorophyta (Green Algae)(ii) Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)(iii) Rhodophyta (Red Algae)2. Bryophyta (Liverworts and Mosses)3. Tracheophyta (Vascular plants)A brief description of these is given below—Algae : Algae have three main divisions, namely—Rhodophyta (red algae), Phaeophyta (brown algae), Chlorophyta (green algae).Algae is divided into three different kingdoms. They all lack

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8. Kingdom Fungi

Characteristics of Fungi(1) Fungi are found everywhere. They are mostly terrestrial, but a few are aquatic.(2) These are heterotrophic. They live either as saprophytes, parasites or symbionts.(3) Fungi cells grow as elongated filaments called ‘hyphae’.(4) The cells of Fungi contains the usual, cell organelles, all similar to eukaryotes, except plastids. Cell wall is usually made

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7. Kingdom Protista

Protista : It is a kingdom of aquatic unicellular, eukaryotic micro organisms structure of Protista.(i) These are having a typical eukaryotic structure with a membrane bound nucleus.(ii) The cytoplasm of this kingdom has number of membrane bound organelles like mitochondria, golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts etc.(iii) Some protista for locomotion have flagella or cilia.(iv) The

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6. Kingdom Monera

Monera : Monera is the most plentiful and smallest living organisms on the earth. These are found everywhere on land. They can be found in hot springs, underside ice bags and on the deep ocean floor, in the hottest and driest deserts as parasites on and in other life forms.Characteristics of Monera1. These are Prokaryotic

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5. The Main Kingdoms of Life

Two-Kingdom classification : In 1735, a well-known scientist Linnaeus divided all the living beings into two classes, namely all plants under the kingdom ‘Plantae’ and all the animals under ‘Animalia’.Three-kingdom classification : In 1866 Haeckel classified all living beings into three. Plants, Animals and third was Protista. Third was to give a place for primitive

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4. Enzymes

Enzymes : Enzymes are proteins molecules which facilitate specific reactions towards equilibrium.These are commonly called organic catalysts.Substrates : The substrates are the molecules bound to and acted on by enzymes.Nature of enzymes : All enzymes are proteins, molecules. Most of them are composed of derivative proteins. The enzyme complex is called holoenzyme. It is composed

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