Complete Novel Dracula

Complete Novel DraculaComplete Novel Dracula begins with Jonathan Harker, a young English lawyer, as he travels to Transylvania. Harker plans to meet with Count Dracula, a client of his firm, in order to finalize a property transaction.🧛‍♂️🌍

Cutting from the Dailygraph, 8 August (Pasted in Mina Murray’s Journal)

Chapter 7 From a CorrespondentWhitby.One of the greatest and suddenest storms on record has just been experienced here, with results both strange and unique. The weather had been somewhat sultry, but not to any degree uncommon in the month of August. Saturday evening was as fine as was ever known, and the great body of

Cutting from the Dailygraph, 8 August (Pasted in Mina Murray’s Journal) Read More »

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