Dadi Maa’s Home Remedies

8. Cinnamon (Dalchini) and Fenugreek (Methi) (Part I)

Dalchini has its effect on digestive system, skin and mouth. It’s curative properties are described hereunder.Digestive Disorders and other Common ComplaintsPound and pulver cinnamon and boil in the water (glassful), adding a pinch of black pepper and honey. The content should be taken (a tsp) ½ an hour after each meal to allay nausea, vomiting,

8. Cinnamon (Dalchini) and Fenugreek (Methi) (Part I) Read More »

6. Clove (Laung) (Part I)

Clove is cool, stimulant of skin, kidney, liver, bronchi and increases circulation and raises blood heat. It is aromatic, general stomachic, anti-emetic, local anaesthetic and antiseptic. It is carminative, anti-gastric, anti-flatulent, anti-phlegmatic, pain killer and anti-pyritic.Curative PropertiesStomach ProblemsTaking 2 or 3 drops of clove oil in sugar cures indigestion, intestinal problems and also diarrhoea.Taking cloves

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5. Cumin Seeds (Jeera) (Part I)

Jeera is dry, a bit astringent, carminative, stomachic, aromatic, blood purifier. It is stimulant used in dyspepsia, diarrhoea, fever, swelling, uterus problems and is germicidal insecticide.Curative PropertiesMouth AilmentsEating roasted Jeera eliminates foul smell from the mouth.Cradling with ground Jeera put in water with crushed chhoti illaichi eliminates foul smell and cures blisters in the mouth.Applying

5. Cumin Seeds (Jeera) (Part I) Read More »

4. Coriander (Dhania) (Part I)

Fresh leaves (as flavouring agent) and dried Dhania seeds (as spices) are used in curries, chutney etc. Dhania has aromatic oil and is slightly pungent. It is a great agent, stimulant, carmi-native, helps in stomach ache and gripping pain, tranquilizer, germicidal, diuretic, anti-pyritic, curtails excessive requirement system and is a tonic.Curative PropertiesAsthma, Cough (dry)Taking 1

4. Coriander (Dhania) (Part I) Read More »

3. Carom Seed (Ajwain) (Part I)

Ajwain is pungent and bitter in taste. It is a great stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, germicidal, antiseptic, digestive, anti-flatulent, heart stimulant, diuretice, anti-pyritic, expectorant and an extraordinary tonic. Curative PropertiesCold and CoughRubbing the palm with 6 gms. of Ajwain tied in a potli and smelling it repeatedly cures cold.Drinking hot water after chewing little Ajwain cures

3. Carom Seed (Ajwain) (Part I) Read More »

2. Asafoetida (Heeng) (Part I)

Heeng is an expectorant, carminative, stimulant and powerful antispasmodic, antiseptic, germicidal, laxative, antiphlegmatic, antiflatulent, stimulator of secretion and excretion, blood purifier, pain killer and tonic.Curative PropertiesIndigestion and Stomach ProblemsTaking 2 gms of Hingastak Choorna (Grind ajwain, black pepper, sendha namak, pepper, syah jeera, sonth and heeng roasted in ghee and little edible soda) after meals

2. Asafoetida (Heeng) (Part I) Read More »

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