
20 Five-year Plans

India embarked upon planned economic development soon after the achievement of independence. Planning in India derives its objectives and social premises from the Directive Principles of State Policy set forth in the Constitution. The Planning Commission prepares a blueprint of development, taking an overall view of the needs and resources of the country.The First Five-Year […]

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Public sector enterprises are those enterprises which are owned and managed by the Central, State or Local Governments. At the time of Independence, public sector enterprises of the Central Government were confined to a very small segment of the economy namely—Railways, Posts and Telegraphs, Ports and Defence establishments. After Independence, the expansion of public sector


15 Industrial Progress

Role of IndustrialisationIndustrialisation has an important role to play in development of a country. This is true in the context of the developing countries as well. To some extent the gap in per capita income between developed and developing countries could be attributed to the structure of the economy in which a relatively poor position

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13 Agriculture

Agriculture plays a very important role in India’s economic development. The country is predominantly agricultural with 62 per cent of popluation depending directly on agriculture. It contributes about one-third of gross value added in India. Its role in economic development apart, it is a way of life and, therefore, in its development lies the general

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12 National Income

National income is the money value of all the final goods and services produced by a country during a period of one year. National income consists of a collection of different types of goods and services of different types. Since these goods are measured in different physical units it is not possible to add them

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11 Price Determination

Prices of goods, as has been stated already, express the exchange value. These are also used for expressing the value of various services rendered by different factors of production such as land, labour, capital and organisation. The values are: rent, wages, interest and profit. Therefore, the concept of price especially the process of price determination,

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10 Markets

Consider the following situation: You go to the local market to buy a shirt. You enter one shop which sells shirt. The shirt which you like are priced at Rs. 400. But you think that are not worth more than Rs. 300. You offer Rs. 300 for the shirt. But the shopkeeper is not ready

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8 Production Analysis

Production analysis or the theory of production deals with the general relationship of output of goods or services with factor inputs. Normally, a physical output is related to analysis. Likewise revenue productivity which is related with economic environment and the general equilibrium of demand and supply is left out in a pure production analysis physical

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7 Production

Production is a very important economic activity. The standard of living of people in the ultimate analysis, demands on the volume and variety of production. In fact, the performance of an economy is judged by a level of its production. Those countries which produce goods in large quantities are rich and those which produce little

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6 Capital

We may define capital as that part of wealth of an individual or community which is used for further production of wealth. In fact, capital is a stock concept which yields a periodical income which is a flow concept. It is necessary to understand the difference between capital and wealth. Whereas wealth refers to all

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