Fun Activities, Experiments and Projects for Children

Create a Tibetan Prayer Flag

Does your child have a wish or goodwill blessing he’d like to send out to the world? Traditionally, carrying messages of peace, compassion, prosperity or happiness, prayer flags are a rich part of Tibetan Buddhist culture. Encourage your child’s interest in other countries and cultures by helping him create his own colourful prayer flag inscribed

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Get Organized With CD Case Drawer Dividers

Living an environmentally conscious life often means getting creative with what you already have at home. Show your teen how to live green by transforming old CD cases into drawer dividers. Not only are you reusing old things that normally go in the trash, but also you’re helping your teen get organized in the process.What

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Papier-Maché Pencil Pot

Take recycling to new heights. Papier-maché is French for “chewed-up paper”-and that’s kind of what it looks like! In this activity, kids reconstruct old newspaper using a mould and wallpaper paste to take part in this century-old practice. This Earth-friendly crafting technique will result in a functional pencil holder that’s loads of fun to make.What

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Watch Acids and Bases Produce Colours!

Show your child how to create a concoction of simple household ingredients that changes colours as acids and bases are added! This magic mixture is called a “pH indicator,” a chemical compound that is added to a solution in order to determine its acidity or basicity visually. While many items (such as cabbage juice) have

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Make a Homemade Thermometer!

In middle school your child will be learning all about heat energy and temperature measurement, and will likely get to use a lab thermometer. This project will enable your child to construct a homemade thermometer that will compliment what he’s learning about this instrument in school.What You Need:❑ Tap water❑ Rubbing alcohol ❑ 11-ounce clear,

Make a Homemade Thermometer! Read More »

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