
13. Weathering

Rocks break into smaller pieces and fianlly into fine particles by the atmospheric elements like temperature wind, humdity, rain etc. This process is called weathering. Plants and animals also cause weathering of rocks.Weathering processes are of two types namely:(i) Physical or Mechanical weathering(ii) Chemical Weathering(i) Physical or Mechanical Weathering : The rocks break into smaller

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8. Weather and Climate

Weather : The prevailing atmospheric conditions—temperature, pressure, humidity, wind velocity and so on defines the weather. The study of weather is called meteorology carried out by meteorologists.Climate : Climate is the average weather conditions of a region over a long period or the climate is the long term or integrated manifestation of weather.Climate Controling FactorsClimate

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7. The Atmosphere

Atmosphere : The blanket of air that covers the Earth is known as the atmosphere.The atmosphere goes up to about 1000 km from the surface of the Earth. 99% of the total mass of the atmosphere is contained within 32 km. The atmosphere gases are held by the gravitational pull of the Earth.Composition of the

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4. Continents and Oceans

About 71% of earth is covered with water and 29% is the land mass.There are 7 continents—1. Asia (largest), 2. Africa, 3. North America, 4. South America, 5. Antarctica,6. Europe, 7. Australia (Smallest) OceansThere are four oceans. In order of decreasing size, they are:1. Pacific Ocean, 2. Atlantic Ocean, 3. Indian Ocean, 4. Arctic Ocean.The

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3. Our Earth

The age of the earth has been estimated as 4.6 billion years. Many methods like radioactive dating, fossil records etc. have been used to determine the age of the earth. Scientists have also discovered that life on earth started some 570 million years ago. The first 345 millions years saw the development of marine life.

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2. Space

Space means outer space or the region beyond earth. It is that portion of the universe which is beyond the immediate influence of earth. The study of region beyond earth and the objects present in it is called space science.Space science is used for continuous weather monitoring and weather forecasting on the earth. This is

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