Lord Buddha

Evil Devdutta

It later transpired that Devdutta had not really changed. He carried on his childhood grudge against Siddhartha who was now Buddha.He lived in Sangha monastery as a monk but continued to hatch plots to harm Buddha. His core of heart was filled with hatred.He secretly met Ajatshatru, the emperor of Magadha, the son of late […]

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The beggar

Gautam Buddha himself strictly followed the regimen of the monk life. Every day he religiously meditated for a certain period and then went to the nearest township to seek alms.He considered it his sacred duty and never missed it. It was the monk’s way of killing one’s ego and feeling of pride. In this way

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Once a merchant named Pindak has come to the place where Gautam Buddha was preaching. The merchant came to hear Buddha’s sermons. The teachings made a deep impression on the merchant. He was so enthused that he begged Buddha to visit his town Shravasti and spread his wisdom there. Buddha could not refuse his earnest

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Gradually Siddhartha totally withdrew into himself. Now his brooding had become more grave because he was pondering over specific issues. He had definite agenda to give a thought to phenomena of death, disease, old age, woes and the search of eternal peace.Meanwhile, Yashodhra gave birth to a son. Entire palace rejoiced and celebrated the event.

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