Level-1 Stories

Level-1 StoriesLevel-1 Stories by Sawan presents characters such as kids and animals that are central to any story. This first level presents the simple, basic phrases and sentences make children engage deeper into reading.🌍📚


Stegosauruses were large, heavily built dinosaurs which lived in the Late Jurassic Period. They lived near woodlands or plains and were also known as roof-lizards. The skull of Stegosaurus was long, pointed and narrow. It was almost like a stretched skull of a turtle. Stegosaurus had two rows of bony plates along its body. They […]

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Spinosaurus, also known as the “Spine Lizard”, lived during the Cretaceous Period. It was the bulkiest dinosaur that ever existed. Spinosaurus was even bigger than T-Rex. The teeth of Spinosaurus looked like knives. It had a long, narrow skull which looked similar to the skull of a crocodile. Spinosaurus had an incredible sail on its

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Pterodactyluses were the winged reptiles that lived during the Late Jurassic Period. They had wingspan ranged from 2 to 11 metres, which made them the largest flying birds. Pterodactyluses were carnivores, and ate meat, such as fish, eggs and crabs. Pterodactylus had a striking similarity to the present day giraffe. They had huge bodies but

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Brachiosaurus was a long-necked dinosaur that lived in the Jurassic Period. Brachiosaurus had a long neck but relatively a small head and a short tail. Brachiosauruses were around 25 metres long and weighed 40 tons. They were herbivores. They could eat almost 400 kilograms of plants every day. Brachiosauruses moved in herds after they had

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Ankylosauruses were present in ancient times of the Late Cretaceous Period. They were herbivores and fed on low-growing ferns and plants. Ankylosaurus had a length of around 9 metres and wastwice the weight of a rhinoceros. It had a short, wide head, armoured eyes but weak jaws. Ankylosaurus had wide feet and walked on all

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