Mind-Boggling Puzzles and Teasers for Kids

Sweet Shop Treats

Annabel, Cara, Graham, Jordy and Maddy went to Sally’s Sweet Shop for a treat. Menu:Ice-cream Sundae $2.65Double-scoop Cone $2.10Chocolate Fudge Cake $2.40Juice Float $1.00Chocolate Candy Animal $1.25Ice-cream Soda $2.25Each person got something different and each gave the cashier $3.00. Every item on the menu was purchased by someone in the group.Annabel got back 3 quarters,

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History and Introduction

A puzzle is a problem that challenges the mind, stimulates thinking for potential solutions and provides a rewarding experience upon solving it. Many games such as solitaire, chess and checkers include numerous puzzles. Other common game-puzzles include crossword puzzles, which appear daily in nearly every newspaper around the world, jigsaw puzzles, and the mechanical puzzle

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