Shakespeare’s Illustrated Classics

Shakespeare's Illustrated ClassicsShakespeare’s Illustrated Classics – The collection of Shakespeare’s all classic stories from Romeo and Juliet to Julius Caesar King. Now read absolutely free with Sawan!📚😊

Julius Caesar | Shakespeare’s Illustrated Classics

It was a day of triumph for Julius Caesar. He wasn returning to Rome after defeating the sons of Pompey, a rebellious Roman general. Roman citizens waited along the streets to watch Caesar’s triumphant parade. But not everyone was happy about his victory and the death of his enemies. When Caesar arrived, his generals and

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A Midsummer Night’s Drea |Shakespeare’s Illustrated Classics

In the city of Athens, there was a great celebration. Duke Theseus was going to marry Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons after four days, on the night of the midsummer full moon. Everyone in the city from the richest to the poorest was preparing to celebrate the event. As Duke Theseus and Hippolyta discussed

A Midsummer Night’s Drea |Shakespeare’s Illustrated Classics Read More »

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