
15. Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is a psychiatric, psychological and social problem affecting the youth of the country. It ruins the individual and the society in manifold ways—socially, physically, culturally, emotionally and economi-cally. Acting on the brain, the drug spawns a wide range of disorders like fear, anxiety and a sense of insecurity in the human mind.There are […]

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14. Child labour

Children constitute 36 per cent of India’s population and it is a national shame that bulk of them still suffer from malnutrition, poverty, disease, cruel exploitation through forced child labour and beggary and on top of all, illiteracy. Hundreds of thousands of children roam the streets without homes or families to go back to and

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13. Health

There is no denying that remarkable progress has been achieved in the realms of science and technology, particularly medicine, information technology, communications, infrastructure deve-lopment, food production, speciality hospitals in the cities, etc. Yet medicare for the millions of poor and the lower middle class families still remain a luxury. Millions of people are still trapped

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12. Ecology

We are living in an endangered environment caused by our progress and folly—a world, we thought, just belonged to us and none else. And we are paying a dear price with nature reacting violently around the world. You can’t obviously rape Nature and get away with it. You are getting back in your own coin.Regions

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10. Rights of citizens

Man is social animal. He is born and develops in society. For the development of his personality, certain facilities are necessary which he gets from society and the state. These facilities are known as rights. In other words, rights are those conditions of social life which are necessary for the development of an individual. Democratic

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9. Economic Development

We find different people engaged in different activities to earn their living. These activities are concerned with the production and exchange of good and services. Farmers, workers, shop-keepers, manufacturers, teachers, doctor, lawyers, chartered accountants, etc. performs their own piece of work. All of us are concerned with one or the other activity to earn certain

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7. Water Resources

Water is another prime natural resources after land resources. It is life in itself. Besides various uses of water, it is importantly used in irrigation as India is an agricultural country. Use of water in irrigation gives an impetus to extend our cultivable area and also productivity of agriculture in the country.Rainfall in IndiaIndia is

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6. Agriculture

Agriculture includes raising of crops, animal rearing, animal husbandry and fishing. Agriculture and farming are synonymous to each other.Types of FarmingPhysical elements such as climate, relief, soil, human factors such as density of population, technological development, traditions, social, economic and political factors have great impact on the farming practices, production methods and cropping pattern.Plantation Agriculture

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4. Land

All types of organism including man are born, flourish, mature and at last meet their end on land. Land provides them all necessaries of life-food, clothing and shelter. Without land no organism can survive, even their existence cannot be dreamt without land. Hence land is very useful to us. Nature has provided land to us.

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3. Resources

Congenial and favourable environment is a must for flourishment of life. In other words, we can say that life and environment are inseparable from each other and they are very closely related. Physical environment and all types life in a given area form ecosystem. Plants and animals interact with their environment. Human beings differ from

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