Tantya Tope

Spread of revolution

By this procedure the message for revolution was being conveyed.Nana Sahib, Baba Bhatt, Azimullah Khan and Tantya Tope performed this impossible task with such intelligence and secrecy that British Govt could not even guess it.After completion of organisational task Nana Sahib and other went to tour north India. Where ever he went he met British […]

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Tatya in the lead role

It was not an easy job to execute the aforesaid plan. For this purpose it was necessary to organise the general public. Consequently after consideration a resolution was passed to form a strong organisation for revolution. This task was divided into three regments.Correspondence with kings, Nawabs and landlords and to side with them in the

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Eyed over Jhansi

Dalhousie fanned the anger by refusing acceptance of adopted son Damodar Rao as the successor of the state after the death of Ganga Dhar Rao. He desired to merge Jansi under the British empire.As queen of Jhansi came to know the ill intentions of Dalhousie, she rored like a tigers, “I will not part away

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Attractive personality

Though Tantya was not handsome but he had attaractive and fascinating personality. Although he know little english, but he had a good command over Marathi, Gujarati and Urdu. He speak these languages fluently.His style of addressing the masses was such that audience easily get attracted towards him. Whatever he speak was steady and balanced. In

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Friend Circle

Bajirao married six times at Pune but when he reached Bithur only two of his wives were alive. Later on he again married six times. He could get two daughters out of all these wives but his strong desire was to be father of a son. Being virtuous nature he believed that without son one

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Tantya Tope

Tantya Tope was a talented freedom fighter who had the capability that could delight the darkness. At the potency of his unique capacity and intellegence he fought the first independence war so fiercely that British too staggered.Tantya Tope was so bold that with in two years of revolutionary period he waged war on one hundred

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