The Pickwick Paper

The Pickwick PaperThe Pickwick Paper is a story about Samuel Pickwick and three other members of The Pickwick Club as they travel throughout the English countryside by coach observing the phenomena of life and human nature.🌿

Mr. Samuel Gets into Difficulties

Chapter-11 Upon awakening, Mr. Pickwick beheld his servant Sam Weller denying Mr. Smangle who’s eager to render Mr. Pickwick service—laundering Mr. Pickwick’s clothes—for a fee. Annoyed, Mr. Smangle left the scene to breakfast on cigars.Presently, having had breakfast at a place called the Snuggery, Mr. Pickwick dispatched Sam on some errands and then consulted the

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The Pickwickians

Chapter-1 The Pickwick Club was a club dedicated “to the advancement of knowledge, and the diffusion of learning. Its members included Samuel Pickwick, Tracy Tupman, Augustus Snodgrass, and Nathaniel Winkle who were to provide periodic reports (to the Club) of their travels which were financed out of their own pockets, meaning that they were gentlemen

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