Vinoba Bhave

The last chapter

In January, 1959 Vinoba reached Ajmer Sharif during the course of his nationwide tour. He made obeisance at Durgah of Sheikh Salim Chisti. He spoke to the congregation—‘The message of Islam is sublime. It does not discriminate between rich and poor. The charging of interest is forbidden. It provides an ideal framework for democracy. I […]

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New experiments

Vinoba wanted to remove the difference between the exploiter and the exploited. He believed that the two classes emerged because of the general tendency to shirk the labour. He wanted to devalue the importance of money and shift all value to the labour.He experimented. The name of his experiment was ‘Kanchmukti Yoga’. Vinoba wrote—‘The use

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In Dhulia jail

The situation was becoming tense. The rule of British tyranny was digging in. The draconian laws were being imposed on Indians. Gandhiji knew that without confronting British with a fierce opposition Indians could not hope to get any concessions from the rulers. So, he organised Dandi March and broke the Salt Act in defiance. It

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Vinoba returned to Satyagraha Ashram on dot at the completion of one year break; Gandhiji remarked, “You had gone on as one year leave to further your study of Sanskrit. Exactly after one year you come back as promised. I had even forgotten that you were supposed to be back at this hour to honour

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Vinoba Bhave

Most of the great ones of our country come from humble backgrounds and rose to heights. Those who came from higher social backgrounds they went through severe humbling experiences to gain sublime heights.Early life & educationVinoba Bhave had a humble background.He was born to Narhari Bhave and Rakhumai on 11 September, 1895 at Gogada village

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