The enchantment was broken and Hatim was the proud owner of the precious diamond. He returned to the city of Katan along with all the people whom he had rescued from their marble statue. He requested the king of Katan to make arrangements to send those people back to their homes. Hatim then went to the city of Shahabad and told Husna Bano in detail about the adventures of the Bath of Badgard and showed her the diamond. Now, he requested her to marry his friend Munir. After the celebration of their marriage, Hatim finally returned to Yemen. The people of Yemen celebrated the return of their prince. There was joy and festivity everywhere. Zarinpash, who had waited for his return, cried with happiness. The king retired and declared Hatim as the next king. It was merriment time for everyone. Hatim ruled the kingdom with love, patience and justice for the rest of his life.