As cold as ice
This idiom can be used to describe a person who does not show any emotion.
As mad as a hatter
It means that someone is crazy or behaves very strangely. In the past many people who made hats went insane because they had a lot of contact with mercury.
Bald as a coot
A person who is completely bald is as bald as a coot.
Barefaced liar
A barefaced liar is one who displays no shame about lying even if they are exposed.
Bark is worse than their bite
Someone whose bark is worse than their bite may well get angry and shout, but doesn’t take action.
Barrel of laughs
If someone’s a barrel of laughs, they are always joking and you find them funny.
A cry-baby is a person who gets emotional and cries too easily.
Daft as a brush
Someone who is daft as a brush is rather stupid.
Fit of pique
If someone reacts badly because their pride is hurt, this is a fit of pique.
If someone is high-handed, they behave arrogantly and pompously.
In rude health
If someone’s in rude health, they are very healthy and look fit.
A Johnny-come-lately is someone who has recently joined something or arrived somewhere, especially when they want to make changes that are not welcome.
Just off the boat
If someone is just off the boat, they are naive and inexperienced.
Keep up with the Joneses
People who try to keep up with the Joneses are competitive about material possessions and always try to have the latest and best things.
Rest on your laurels
If someone rests on their laurels, they rely on their past achievements, rather than trying to achieve things now.
Someone who is two-faced will say one thing to your face and another when you’re not there.
Someone who always agrees with people in authority is a yes-man.

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