Chewing Gum

Chewing gum has been relished in various forms by people across continents since the Neolithic period. The bark tar of trees that had medicinal properties was chosen to make gum. Women normally used the gum as a mouth freshener. The ancient Greeks made their gum from the resin of the Mastic tree while the Mayans chewed the chicle from Sapodilla tree. It was popular in various cultures in the form of chicle from various trees, plants, etc. The first proper chewing gum was invented by John Curtis in 1848 and was it ‘Spruce Gum’. Later variations of this gum were developed using other waxes like Paraffin wax, which gained popularity. Willaim Semple was the first person who patented chewing gum in the year 1869. In 1871, Thomas Adams created a machine to manufacture chewing gum. It was John Colgan’s innovation to chewing gum that made it taste better for a longer period.

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