It is said, “Child is the father of man.”
A child will grow up to become a man.
He will grow up on what is taught in his childhood.
So, it is the duty of parents to take care of their children.
They should give them a lot of love.
Children are very innocent.
They believe in everything their elders tell them.
They do not have bad feelings for anyone.
They love everyone.
Parents should give the best to their children.
They should teach their children good things.
In this way, we can be sure that a child will become a responsible citizen.
Answer the following questions
1 Child is the father of _ (a) man (b) woman (c) aunt (d) uncle
2 Whose duty is to take care of their children? (a) mother (b) father (c) parents (d) neighbours
3 Who love everyone? (a) parents (b) neighbours (c) children (d) toys
4 Parents should teach their children __
(a) good things (b) bad things (c) funny things
(d) none
5 Write the plural of ‘child’.
(a) childs (b) children (c) childrens (d) none
Ans. (1) a, (2) c, (3) c, (4) a, (5) b