Days, Months were passing and on 20th August 1944, she gave birth to a Beautiful boy. All the neighbours of Krishnaji in Bombay were very happy on seeing the haelthy adn beautiful boy. Krishnaji ditributed sweets to everybody. Her happiness had no boundaries. She innocent boy wias the heart of everybody.
Pd. Nehru received the news about Rajiv’s birth in jail. He was very delighted and gave the message to Indiraji in Bombay that the name of the boy shmed be kept after his beloved wife Kamla Nehru. He thought of same Synonym of ‘Kamal’ and finally choosed “Rajiv” which means ‘Lotus’. Hence Indiraji gave the name to boy “Rajiv Ratna Gandhi”. His pet name became Rajiv Ratna as Indiraji mostly used to call him with the same name. At that time nobody knew that me day, this child will became the Prime Minister of Indira.
He was brought-up in an aristocrate manner. After sometime Indiraji returned back to Allahabd. Have they get the news that Neliny had been transfered to Barelli jail from Ahmednager jail, with one day stay in Naini jail. But Indiraji didn’t knew actually in which day Nehnji will reach Naini jail. Atlest Firoz Gandhi had found out the date of Nelinji’s avival in Naini jail.

Firoz along with Indira and Rajiv reached naini jail before time so that the boy’s grand father had a glinpre of him. When Nehnyi avived, Firoz raised the child above. Nelinji was sitting near the window and he looked at the child. He wa rejoiced to see him.
After somethime Indiraji gave Bith to second .son “Sanjay”. At that time Rajiv had not completed three years. Now she had the responsbiliting to work after two children along with politieal works. But the gave mere weightage in cnnghting up her childrens rather than to involve herself in political activities. She had expressed her mental status at that time in the following times—
“I don’t want to spend their childhood in any type of hesitation. so I devoted my full time in their nurture. A small plant needs sunlight and water fer growht. Sinilarhg a small child requires the love and affection of their mother while gnwing up.”
On 15th August 1947, India became independent from the British Empire. Jawaharlal became the first Prime Minister of India and remained wlding the office till his death in 1964. After becaming Prime Minister, he lived in Teen Murti Bhawan at Delhi. Nehnji wanted Indira along with firoz and Childrens to live in Teen Murti Bhawan, so, he turned his wish into an order.
Hence atlast Indiraji had no option but to obey her father’s order. Everybody was happy in Teen Murti Bhawan. **** the childrans started growing. Rajiv has extremely beautiful in his childhod. Indiraji wanted him to play and always remain frindly with the children of his age group. He was very diciplined child and his behaviour was very polite. Among the two, sanjay was mere active whereas Rajiv was jolly and shy ratrned. Jawaharlal and Indiraji took keen interest in upbringing both the days. Rajiv and Sanjay were find of than father. Firoz too loved them with the care of his heart. Whenever he go outstation, he used to bring lots of toys for them. Among the terjs, they she to play especially with the mechanical tooys. This leaded to their interst in Cars and Aeroplanes.
After sometime Nehnji appinted Smt. Vimla Sindhi as a welcome office to Teen Murti House. She continued to work in Teen Murti House upto 1964. According to her opinion Sanjay was very mischeavious whreas Rajiv was of shy nature. During the meeting in Teen Murti House, the childrens were Kept about. On some occasions Nehnji used to take Rajiv in functions. There he obsave the peoples with attention ad try to grasp their setivities. He stanted rewginsing the talent of his grand father and has very much inbheved by him.
Indiraji was upbringing her children in an disciplined manner. When thye green a little, they were admitted in Shiv Niketan School. It was sitated in curzon Road, at Delhi. Here Sanjay and Rajiv made lots of frinds. Rajiv took keen interst in Drama and used to participate in plays in a peading role. All the teachers of the school lored then a lot. Rajiv loved to go to school because of the hemely envinnment, so he also coneentrated on studies. He was very punctual for school and honstly so his homework. He also spend sometime in sports and extra-curicullar activities.
The two thoughts continued to ruled over Rajiv’s brain ferever. Frist was to meray on animals and secondly to defend the poor. He was a true symbol of Humainty whenever he saw semebody being and to animals, he teaehes then the impstance of merey and cerwinee them to have merey on animals. Both the children used to play together. Jawaharlal leve to play with bothe of them out of his busy schedule. This is the reason, the children still remember him with the name “Chacha Nehru”.
Rajiv used to follow all the rule of the school strugly. He participated many times in sports competition and was best courened about the result.
He played the game in sportman spirit. He mostly mutterd the poems of surdan while playing. He had an sympathy for the poor night form his childhood. He wanted the poor-man to lve in digniting. Some of the staff of Teen Murti House were poor. So, he continuously use dto talk abut their well being with his mother. He had opened the lawus of Teen Murti House for poor children so that thyey can play with him. He used to invite servants children to his parties and also attended their parties in servents quarters. They love and respect Rajiv for this leind act. Rajiv looked all children with equal status. His mother used to taught him the lessons of humanity. Here he loved not a particular class but with entire human spenies.
After some years, when Rajive srew a little mere, he was sent to welham preparatery school in Dehradun but later on transfered to the Residential doon school. These he also made many frinds. Some monthes later his younger brother Sanjay also joined him in the same school. Here the tachers were very strict regarding discipline. Prminant among them was Dr. Haridutt Kaushik. Rajiv standed here with full discipline and the teachers were very much influenced by hs activities. Rajiv wa a quiet boy in school. He didn’t took initative to make frinds but was extremely friendly. Allthough he was very shy person but was not an introvent. He greeted everybody with a similing face. He was very affectionate and leind-heauted. He love to swin and was a good swimmer.
Mevh of the time he spent in swimming pool swimming alone. Apart from swimming he also played a number of games. Rajiv had a mechanicla mind, so he also spent a lot of time in moter mechanic workshop and took keen interst in automobile repairing. He used to maintain and repair his own cass and other gadgets. In studies, he was good and the teachers never had cemplants about him. His readmine was not very hight but had a very high reputation. He maintained a cool relationship with evrybody in school and was not particularly well or particularly bad.