Chin lies in the basic zone of the face. Information about basic characters is obtained from chin. Chin has a significant place in the development process of the man. Human chin is more developed rather than any of other animals. Development of chin reveals the evolution of human characters.
Type of Chin from Lateral View
The face should be viewed laterally to read and analyse the chin. Following three perspective are appeared by lateral view of chin :

1. Straight Chin : If an imaginary line is drawn touching the lips and front portion of the chin and this imaginary line makes an angle of ninety degree with the horizontal line, such chin is called straight chin. Straight chin is an ideal chin. The persons having straight chin are opulent with ideal characters, outspoken, having balanced thinking, truthful and sincere. They have dominance of human traits and ideals. They use to work after proper consideration on any matter. The balance between materiality and spirituality is found in their life. Such persons are known for idealism, virtuousness, gentleness, kindness, outspokenness and well behaviour. They are interested towards luxury and sex, but they enjoy the comfort of the world being idealistic in their life. Their character is good, clear and mentality is kind.
The persons possessing straight chin get success and honour in various field in life. Their deeds and personality become a model for others. The persons having straight chin are laborious and efficient. But they never compromise to injustice and loss of character. Therefore, they have to face anger of antisocial elements and mean persons. Such persons never go on the path of injustice. Thus, they have to meet failure many times. They believe in the sacredness of the aim and medium.
2. Receding Chin : Receding chin shows the lack of basic zone in man. Persons having such type of chin have dearth of life force. The persons possessing receding chin are physically undeveloped, fickle minded and audacious by nature. Their body and mind are weak. They have lack of ambition in their life and they lead their life as a slave. They are amorous, indolent, talkative and greedy by nature.
3. Projecting Chin : The persons having such type of chin have extraordinary capacity to work. Such persons are never tired. On the contrary, they enjoy while doing their work. Such persons are seen to get grand success by virtue of hard work and firm determination. Once they make their mind to do any work, they take a sigh only after accomplishing their work. They are habituated to work with craze. They get involved in the work like a ghost till the completion. But they turn their mind after getting target. In spite of having all these virtues, the persons having projecting chin are furious, moody, selfish, cunning, avaricious, showy, materialistic and deceitful. They mostly take so much interest in every matter that they fulfill their altruism. They forget everything after serving their purpose.
If the chin is increased frontward more, the person is full of basic and brutal characters and primitive instincts. Consequently, the person becomes amorous, shameless, lewd, cruel and barbarian. They have lack of morality, idealism and virtuousness. They can go upto any limit for fulfilling their passion, luxury and selfishness. Such persons are skilled in spell binding others by deceit and they never miss the chance to destroy other’s life or family life for attaining the peak of success or selfishness. The person, changing their mind like a chameleon changes his colour, are also habituated to play with other’s feelings, but they show themselves a good character in the society. Such persons are highly amorous, ambitious, passionate and successful.
Type of Chin from Frontal View
Chin has four perspectives while looked upon from frontal view of the face :
1. Square Chin : The persons having square chin are influenced by earth element. The persons are healthy, fit and joint of their bones are strong due to dominance of earth element. Such persons like to work in army, police or forest department. They are fond of eating, practical minded, successful by virtue of hard work, disciplined and materialistic. Discipline and good management are found in their life, but they are lack of emotions. Such persons do not work on being emotional; on the contrary they lead their mind with practical wisdom.
If front portion of chin has been divided into two parts, the person is manual worker, drug addict and has average intelligence and they achieve success by hard working.
Round Chin : The persons possessing round chin have dominance of water element. Their body is fleshy, heavy and bulky. Such persons are of childlike nature, sophisticated and amiable. They are found lack of practical wisdom and understanding. They are day dreamer, worried and have an anxious nature.
The persons having round chin are materialistic, harming themselves on wrath, doing unwise work in lack of patience. Such persons are generous, fanatic, illogical and fond of arts and music. They are amorous, decent, sophisticated and a charming personality, but they are also seen doing inhuman misdeed on being impatient and furious.
Conical Chin : The shape of conical chin is similar to square chin, but its lower portion is narrow. The persons having conical chin are dominated by fire element. They are curious by nature having high intellectual capacity. They are inventive and scientific minded and having good sense of understanding the facts and secrets of nature. Such persons attain the apex of success by virtue of their diligence, devotion and farsightedness. They can not tolerate lies, deceit of others and behave like a mad person lose their temper.
The persons possessing conical chin are outspoken and like to listen and speak the truth. They dislike cleverness. They are self-esteemed, diplomatic, having leading ability and sociality. Such persons are stubborn and they sometimes take wrong decision on being aggressive.

3. Oval or Pointed Chin : The nature of persons having oval chin is dominated by air element. Their personality is charming and nature is romantic. Such persons are devotee of arts, music and beauty. Oval face has been the first choice of painters and artisans for years. Help has been taken of oval shape in depicting sophisticated expressions. The persons having oval chin are soft spoken, well behaved, enthusiastic, volatile, impatient, desirous to make progress, journey lover and getting pleasure in the lap of nature. They are motivated by emotions and give importance to love and beauty and do deeds caring the feelings of others. They possess artistic view.
The persons having oval chin always observe arts and beauty everywhere. They are like a flower bloomed in the garden, which makes others pleased, gives mild and sweet smell, but they also get shrivelled after getting a bit heat. They do not like harshness, hardship and deceit; therefore they escape away for avoiding such situations. They like delicacy, sophistication, gentleness and love. They want to live with harmony and sensitiveness.
Some thinkers call oval or pointed chin as feminine chin. Such type of chin is mostly found in women, but the persons possessing delicate thoughts and kindness have also such kind of chin. The depiction of face of persons those were full of humanity like Buddha, Mahavir, Jesus, great persons, gods and goddesses, fairies has done according to the basis of this. High level human characters, pity, mercy, love, sophistication and courtesy are found in such persons. They influence with keen interest in literature, music and other fine arts.
The persons having oval chin are very sensitive by nature. Their mood is rapidly changed. They are suffered from mood swinging disorder. They do not work under pressure of anyone and work after considering all aspects of it. They destroy the things on being angry. They are supposed extremists in terms of love and hatred.
Other Types of Chin
1. Double Chin : The persons having double chin are comfort seeker, jovial and fond of eating. They get success in the middle age after doing hard work. Their health is well. They are putting excessive accumulation of fat in body from young age and it continues till old age if they do not have any control over themselves.

Cleft Chin : Cleft chin looks to be divided from the middle by frontal view. The persons having cleft chin are hard worker, obese and fond of eating and wandering. They are disciplined also. They are fond of doing hard labour, exhibiting their valour, working in army, police or other security agencies.

Protruding Chin : If the chin is thin and weak and protruded upwards, the person is dependent upon others, lack of mental ability and lethargic. Such persons are habituated to lead their life on the slavery. They are lack of self esteem.

Compact Chin : The persons possessing compact chin have dearth of enthusiasm and morale. They try to rid from hard work and use trick to get success. They are physically weak and lazy. Such persons are also found with the dearth of ambition and efficiency. In spite of this they are modern and fascinated in respect of living standard.